Are there any good temporary car insurance companies in america?

Are there any good temporary car insurance companies in america?

Are there any good temporary car insurance companies in america?


BEST ANSWER: Try this site where you can compare





What Is The CheapesT Car Insurance For Young Drivers ? In Ireland?

What Is The Company And Website, For 18/19/20 Year Old Drivers, Drving A Seat Ibiza 1Litre



How would i go on my parents car insurance? and how much cheaper than being on my own insurance would it be ?

how would i go on my parents car insurance? and how much cheaper than being on my own insurance would it be ? first decent answer gets 10 points:)



I looked for insurance quotes at

At the end, I received a quote from Progressive and also 3 other leading competitors. I also received a quote from Progressive Direct which is lower than Progressive quote. Does anyone of you have insurance from progressive direct? What makes it different (and hence lower) than the actual Progressive quote?



Married Young and Health Insurance?

I am 19 and my fiance is 22. I have a few questions about health insurance. I am currently covered by my mom's health insurance provider and my fiance does not have health insurance currently. When we get married, what will be the best deal to get health insurance for both of us. Would I be able to stay on my moms until I am 26. I was just reading a few things. I will put the link here. Thanks!



Are insurance policies safe...?

I have a life insurance policy on myself that will hopefully take care of a minor. How safe is it now?



Can I own a car, but be covered under my mom's insurance policy?

Im 17, and I live in Indiana. Right now I own a car, but the title is in my mom's name, and I am insured as the only driver of that car under her insurance policy. Can more



Why did 4,000,000 people lose their current insurance, when only 27,000 signed up for insurance under ACA?

The facts are that only just under 27,000 people signed up for insurance under Obama's new law aka Obamacare. This is so darn ridiculous. Have ya heard about this?



Is selling car and home insurance difficult? How much does the average person make? Which is a good company?

Is selling car and home insurance difficult? How much does the average person make? Which is a good company?



Car insurance for husband and wife.?

Recently I went to insure my daughter and her car in the company me and my wife have been insured for some time. I wanted to include myself in her insurance but it went up in premiums a lot and we decided to insure her without me as an additional driver. Before that (last year to be exact) I insured my wife and I was included as a second driver. Basically, I was advised to do so on the basis that it would be cheaper. I heard about this option before and therefore did not check it properly with this company. This time (with my daughter) this option went an opposite way with higher premiums, so I asked them whether I can exclude myself from my wife's insurance as well because my insurance allows me to drive any car, but was told: ...because you are husband and wife, by law you cannot drive her car without being included in her insurance policy whatsoever... I am suspicious about this statement now and feel that I am being cheated. Does anybody know whether this rule exist or is it just the usual salesmen lie? Thank you.



Would a 2-door car be more expensive to insure than a 4-door?

I believe 2-door cars are usually considered sports cars, in turn, making them riskier to drive and costing more to insure them. But what if it was a 4-door car that was a sports car? Specifically the Dodge SRT-4. It's a 4-door car, but it's made to be fast. Would this cost the same, or less than the 2-door? This is all assuming the cars are of the same year and everything. 2-door = Dodge Neon coupe 4-door = Dodge SRT-4



Do i need birth certificate to buy car insurance?

Do i need birth certificate to buy car insurance?



Auto Insurance Quote question?

What does the 250/500/100 liability coverage on the premium policy mean? Here's the auto insurance quote: 1999 Honda Accord LX [ assume a 20 year old male with Good Student Discount and Accident - Free for 3 years] Quote: Premium with Comprehensive and Collision ($500 deductible) With Multicar and Multiline Discount 1999 HONDA ACCORD TERR:003 ,AFD3YR, VSD2 RG:04 CL:5B GS - PREM BIPD 250/500/100 = $284.74 WITH P1 PIP P4 = $4.00 COMP $500 DED = $52.79 COLL $500 DED = $162.39 ERS = $2.60 R1 80%/500 = $11.60 U 250/500 =$19.40 S 1 AT 5000 =$1.20 NEW PREMIUM =$538.72 ----------------------------------------------------- If you can't read the above, then what's 250/500/100 liability coverage on a premium policy mean?



College student and no health insurance?

For all of my high school years, I was on state heath insurance. I am turning 19 at the end of this month and will begin college classes this summer, but I am really worried about not having health insurance (my services end when I turn 19.) I have bulimia and I go to therapy once a week and see a physician once a month, so it is pretty imperative that I have health insurance. I am just wondering if I will just have to be without health insurance until I'm an adult and can afford it? Or is there something out there for college students? Thanks



Suspending car insurance?

i have car insurance i pay monthly for but i mite be going on a course away from home but i wont be able to work to pay for the insurance. i would need to not pay for it as it were for a 12 weeks. is there anything i can do or any advice ?



Is car insurance in America cheaper?

I have a Honda civic 2007 (nothing special) sedan and pay $280/month cause I live in Canada, clean record too



How much does it cost to go to ER without insurance?

Every once in a while (like every other month), I get dizzy and vomit. If I go to the hospital to diagnose the problem do i go to the ER. And also about how much will it cost me I don't have insurance.



Progressive Insurance vs Safe Auto, who's better?

i want to get auto insurance. i got quotes online and they both gave me the same quote basically ($71 per month-6months)...has anyone had experience w/one of these insurance places or have 1 of them currently?



Health insurance. Self employed.?

Hello. I am 24 and self employed as a driver. Live in Minnesota. Made little to no money last year after all expenses. Broke even. Have no insurance. Health insurance I mean. I have looked and everyone has plans you can buy from 68$/mo with 10k deductible and so on. All are pretty much the same for my age. Being self employed. Struggling to make money. Doesn't the state have their own low cost insurance I can apply for. Anything besides the Buy your insurance Today type deal. Thank you in advance !!!!!!



Average homeowner insurance for SE Cape Coral, Florida ?

Does anyone know the average house insurance for the SE area in Cape Coral, Florida. I know that it has gone up because of weather conditions, but I was just wondering what the average insurance is right now. I am thinking about buying a house that was built in 1992, it has a hip roof, and is equipped with storm windows and everything, if this may help. Thanks for the imput!!



What is the type of insurance that protects against the cost of injuries of others that's our fault?

What is the type of insurance that protects against the cost of injuries of others that's our fault?



How do I get the car insurance $$ and still keep the car?

How do I get insurance money from a total , and still keep the car? My daughter's front bumper was torn off. The wheel looks a little bent, so it could me major, could be as simple as a tie rod. The adjuster TOTALED the thing! Book value was $2000 LESS than what was stated on car by dealer. I asked insurance how this could be. They said they use NADA, not Kelly. And, they do an outside market evaluation by Standard and Poors. Plus, they go by private sale value, not retail. So all in all, she's poised to get screwed $2000. As usual, the little guy loses again. What a great country! However, 3 years ago, I totaled my vehicle and the insurance company gave me the $$ AND let me keep the car. I just don't remember how it happened! Any idea?



Is there any insurance available for getting braces?

Is orthodontic dental insurance legit? How about medicare, will that cover it???



Need advice: Parked car hit - Car has no insurance?

Ok, so last night my friends car was hit by a driver who fell asleep. the car was in front of our house and pushed 40ft and his flipped over. Both cars totaled. He has insurance, but my friends that was parked and hit, does not. Will this be an issue for her, or will his insurance be paying for everything since he was 100% at fault? Please help!



How much does liability insurance pay?

Ok so I got into a car accident the other day and now I got this letter in the mail from her lawyer asking to see my insurance policy and whether or not i have liability insurance. Since I have full coverage on my auto insurance I was wondering how much would it cover?



What is a good place to get insurance for my Dell laptop?

I am studying abroad for 5 weeks and would like an affordable insurance plan for my laptop.


Are there any good temporary car insurance companies in america?

Are there any good temporary car insurance companies in america?


Do you need the VIN to purchase insurance?

my husband bought a car at an auction today with his friend, we will have the car tomorrow by 1pm but were hoping to get insurance bought in the morning, do we need the VIN to purchase insurance so he can drive it tomorrow?



Once you have insurance can you drive any car that you own?

Ok lets say you owned like a 90 honda accord or something, and you had cheap insurance for it. since its also an economic car, you use it most of the time you drive. but if you owned two other cars, such as a big v8 4x4 or a sports car v6 would you need to have separate insurance for those? or are you able to drive anything you own since you have insurance? does it matter as long as you dont get into any accidents?



My car insurance policy are affordable because it base on a old 000 Toyota. I sold the Toyota but not reporti?

To insurance, is it legal



Oops, she was driving a stolen car without insurance?

Looking for some advice. Someone I know was caught driving a stolen vehicle. She did not know the vehicle was stolen. Her passenger was claiming to be the new owner of the vehicle. He picked her up and was impaired so she insisted to drive, as she did not want to be driven around by a drunk guy. She was pulled over. Being pulled over was not the result of a violation, just pulled over because the truck came back as stolen. She is a responsible driver who was actually at the time a Driving instructor. She and the passenger were arrested for the stolen vehicle. At the police station both her and the guy (jerk) both stated that she did not know the truck was stolen. She was released without charges to do with the theft of the vehicle. She was however ticketed for driving without insurance. What can she do? At the time she did have her own vehicle and her own insurance policy. She has never had a ticket, accident or a criminal charge. She is in her 30's. This happened in Alberta Canada. Please no responses like get a lawyer obviously she is going to do that. I am more interested in, if she is found guilty what is the potential fine, is there any chance her car insurance would cover her in another vehicle, and so forth.



Didn't Obama claim his health care law would lower insurance rates?

Obama made that claim again and again while trying to pass Obamacare. So now that Obamacare is the law of the land, why are medical insurance rates still going up when Obama claimed that would not happen?



What are the best cars with cheap insurance?

l am 19 and l know insurance aren't cheap at my age but l need a car that has a cheaper insurance. So far l've looked into a Nissan Micra 1997, Volkswagen Polo 1 litre and Peugeot. Is there any other cars that are good and strong but won't cost so much to insure?



Should medical insurance be only for childrens?

I am doing a paper on medical Insurance for my class project I have 10 question that I need answers too.



How much do you spend on car insurance for your new 2006 Sonata ? I pay 116 a month am i being ripped off?

I have a 2006 Sonata by hyundia and i pay 116 a month



Health insurance?

how much does health insurance cost?



Does the insurance company ( the other guys' fault) pay for rental car insurance?

I got swiped in the week. He is culpable and using his insurance Farmers. I get a rental while my car is in the shop. Farmers- do they pay for my rental insurance, if I am not covered to drive another car but my own? I have legal insurance- liability but not collision. THe guy who swiped me was extremely nice, giving me humbers and taking photos and so on- he was decent. But to pay extra for collision ( Enterprize mentioned this) it'll be 15-18 bucks a day. At this point, I'm fed up with having to drive around getting appraisals and do NOT think I should pay a dam thing. If I get a tiny scratch on the rental, they may ask me to pay for that, or will they? Please what are my options? The rental will take MY credit card for godsake ( I understand--I could just go sell it etc), but I do not see why I should be liable for even a tiny scratch, if I don't have that coverage for my own car and am happy to keep driving my own car that way- I will not be able ot drive my car a week or so while it's in the shop. Any advice- is Farmers right on this? Or did the customer service rep get it wrong? I'm confused right now. If I have to pay that collision ( god knows Enterprize could charge for a hailstone dent) then they guy who swiped me- he should pay them directly right? Please advise. I am willing to put a call into that guy to ask him to just pay the collision for each day I have the rental ( bear in mind I DO have legal liability insurance already, just not collision). TIA> foc



What insurance plan should I go with?

I'm a full-time college student and I work part-time. I have no insurance but need to get some soon. What health insurance do you think I should go with that is affordable?



Need alot of work done but no insurance any good dental insurance?

Iam self employed and need my wisdom teeth removed and also need braces but i have no insurance is there a good dental insurance out there so i dont have a huge debt?



I got pulled over in someone else's car that doesn't have insurance but I have my own?

Ok so I'm driving one of my friends car and I got pulled over for making an illegal u-turn. The car had no insurance and the cop told me to just show up to court and show them that I have proof of insurance on my own car and the ticket will be dropped? I currently have State Farm insurance and I live in the state of California. The officer told me that as long as I had permission to drive the car and my insurance covers me driving other cars I Should be fine. Is this true? Please help, I'm really worried and I don't wanna pay a big fine.



Does the Year of your Car affect Insurance Prices?

Does the Make of Your Car Affect How Much you are Charged for Insurance? Does the Year of Your Car Affect How Much you are Charged for Insurance? Does Having 2Doors Always Rise How Much you are Charged for Insurance? No Baby Answers.



Need health insurance coverage for pregnancy?

I am currently pregnant with my first child and my fiance and I are both self-employed. We are looking for a new insurance policy the covers maternity care. The one we have now does not cover maternity and the hospital bills for the delivery seem to be quite high. Does anyone know of any companies that offer coverage?



Know any good, cheap restaurant insurance companies?

My parents want to open up a restaurant, and so they need restaurant insurance. Would any of you happen to know any good, but cheap restaurant insurance companies? He's looking for a price around 2,600 to 2,800 dollars for the cost.



Insurance Costs for a P Plate Hyundai Tiburon?

I live in Melbourne and want to get an idea on the insurance? (I already know its a lot) Thanks



Insurance question with truck vs sports car?

im 19 and only have a couple tickets on my record and hv never been in an accident and currently own a 2010 titan. i was wondering if anyone knows how much the difference would be if i sold the truck and got a mstang or a mitsubishi lancer evo or any car similiar to those. thanks



Is car insurance cheaper in upstate new york?

right now i live in brooklyn new there a difference?



If I buy car under parents name and insurance, will it be cheaper?

I'm looking to change my car, residing with parents, if I buy a new car say under my dads name, with insurance under his name, will it be cheaper if I was to be added to that policy? Compared to having the car in my name and insurance as well? Thanks



How much would car insurance cost for a 17 year old?

Hey I will be turning 17 in a month and I was wondering how much car insurance will cost. I Think I will be going under my parents plan. I will either be getting my dads 05 range rover or an 03 nissan 350z. I have geico and live in NY if that helps. About how much would it cost to insure each car?



How I Know Credit Card Insurance?

I would like to learn Credit card Insurance. Is it available in banks? How do i know, which bank offer very attractive manner? Which are all the bank tie up with insurance company? How to calculate the premium amount, sum assured and relevant details? Please give me detailed query.....



California health insurance?

I just need to know the monthly cost of health insurance in california, for a school project. If you know how much dental costs it would be nice if you could tell me that also. Thanks! p.s. its for two people



When buying a phone online can you get phone insurance?

so i have insurance on my phone now through sprint and if i buy a phone online like ebay or something and switch it can i keep the insurance of the new phone?



What is the best way to find cheap auto insurance in california?

What is the best way to find cheap auto insurance in california?


Are there any good temporary car insurance companies in america?

Are there any good temporary car insurance companies in america?


Whats the cheapest car insurance for 17yr old girl?

Whats the cheapest car insurance for 17yr old girl?



What are the factors affect auto insurance Costs?

Auto insurance discount can greatly reduce your auto insurance costs.



How much is car insurance be?

I am 15 about to be 16 NO record at all.. I have a 1999 ford escort no wrecks 80,000 miles. I would like to know how much car insurance would be and a tag would be and how much my license would be I live in florida. also are their any other fees?



How much does is cost to insure a motorcycle?

i am a 21 yr. old female in so cal. it is a ninja 250r, never been in an accident, & it is kept in the garage!



Any decent car insurance company for 17 years old in uk? ?

I have bought a Honda civic 1.4 and I am looking for some car insurance company would take 17 years old young driver I have got some is lik 7000 and 9900, which is ridiculous so I am wondering if any of yours know some company can get me a decent quote. Thank you



What is the penalty for driving without insurance in california?

what is the penalty for driving without insurance in california?



APPROXIMATELY, how high would insurance be on a 16 year old male driver with a manual Evo X as a first car?

I just turned 16 and i am about to get my license.I just want an estimate like 200-300 or 300-400 or 400-500, etc. My brother is 18 and currently has an Evo and is paying ~ 500 a month for his insurance but has a terrible driving record. Totaled his car and another persons (completely his fault) speeding tickets, unsafe turn ticket. and a bunch of parking tickets. And please dont give me an answer like youre gonna kill urself or evo is too fast for a first car and too hard to learn stick in an evo because the past 8 months i have been driving my brothers STICK Evo quite alot and have absolutely no problem driving it.




I am 18. I want to get a sports motorcycle. How much will my insurance be?



Cheap car insurance for a 21 year old?

Okay, i am 21 and in August it will be 3 years since i got my New York State drivers license, Will insurance be chaper for me after the i have been licnesed for 3 years?



Can I transfer car title into my name without having insurance if car will not be driven immediately?

I recently bought a used car from a private seller that was in running & driving condition, but just short of getting it home, I hit a pretty big pothole and the catalytic converter broke where it connects to the exhaust header due to age & lots of rust from 15 yrs of Michigan winters. Since I am short of funds to get that fixed (not sure how much it will cost), I am faced with a dilemma. I bought the car with the intention of using it as my daily driver over winter. I have not gotten plates or insurance on the car, and I have not transferred the title into my name yet. My question is, since the car will be sitting in my garage for a couple months (at the most), can I just pay to transfer the title into my name without having to pay to get insurance on it or a license plate for it? I'm not sure when I'll be able to fix it since they are expensive to replace. So the car will be sitting, and I may even part it out or sell it as is to make my money back, I'm not quite sure yet. It would be a waste of money to get insurance and a plate for it if it's just going to be sitting unseen in my garage. Can I just transfer the title so that it will be mine legally without the insurance / plate if the car will not be driven immediately? This is in Michigan. ** Please no sarcastic replies, I would like an answer from someone who knows for sure. I don't need replies from people who are just talking out of their *** lol !! Thanks!! **



Anybody know anything about NYS car insurance?

My car insurance lapsed and I didin't know about it, because I misunderstood my policy. My car is registered in my name, but my boyfriend still has current insurance for both of us through his (Geico.) Am I still covered? I'm scared I've been driving around uninsured, but I'm also scared to call the DMV, because I don't have an alternate means of transportation to work and school events. Please answer only if you're sure of your answer, this is a nerve racking situation. Thanks for the help!!



Car Insurance Claim for a respray?

My Ford Galaxy 1998 has lots of scratches all over the body work. Some are malicious where someone has keyed the car, others are from where a car has parked next to me and scratched mine, but the most recent one is from when i reversed into a pillar and scratched the back end. The question i'm asking everyone is am i able to claim on my car insurance for the malicious scratches? For the damage done by another car that i didn't report? And also the damage i caused? I have 6 years no claims bonus (protected) will it be affected? and an excess of 150. Am i able to make a claim for all the damage or will i need to pay where i have damaged it? Any advice please.



College student and no health insurance?

For all of my high school years, I was on state heath insurance. I am turning 19 at the end of this month and will begin college classes this summer, but I am really worried about not having health insurance (my services end when I turn 19.) I have bulimia and I go to therapy once a week and see a physician once a month, so it is pretty imperative that I have health insurance. I am just wondering if I will just have to be without health insurance until I'm an adult and can afford it? Or is there something out there for college students? Thanks



Affordable health insurance?

my company offers helath insurance for $300.00 a week. If I signed up for this I would end up bringing home 250.00 to support my family. IMPOSSIBLE! Where can I go to find more affordable helth insurance on my own for my family. I live in Massachusetts so it can not be a limited benifit plan. Any websites or phone numbers would be greatly appreciated. Thanks



Why is my car insurance so high?

I'm paying about $1,800 every sixth months, and now it's increasing. I had my driver's licence since sixteen, I'm twenty-four now. And I've been clean my entire life, except a few years ago when I received a speeding ticket. Then I took its courses to deduct points, and everything's cleaned out. But why is my insurance still high?



Redlight violation?! Any way to lower the $381 fine and not raise insurance?

Help! This Saturday, I was in Fremont to pick up someone at the Bart station. I was on Mission and Mohave going straight towards the entrance to 880 when the light turned yellow. I started to stop but I felt that if I kept stopping I'd end up in the middle of the intersection so I pressed gas again and went through. I thought I made it on the yellow, but I saw the huge flash meaning the lovely camera took a picture of me. ): The fine is $381 according to plus a higher insurance, right? I'm freaking out. I'm a 17 year old high school student (I've had my license for over a year already) at a private Catholic school, straight A's in all my classes, super clean record, and I've never gotten a ticket before! I know I have to go to court but is there any way that the fine will be lowered and my insurance won't go up? If I go to traffic school will it be cheaper and keep my insurance down? Help please!



Want better insurance coverage??

It looks like that because of the conflicting passages in the ACA that you just might be able to qualify for better coverage by renouncing your American citizenship.



How much is car insurance?

I have a 2007 GMC Envoy and I am about to get my licence. The car used to belong to my parents but was given to me as a gift. I'm wondering how much insurance will cost me if I go through AMA? I've taken the drivers class and have the certificate, so there's a discount there.



Child only health insurance?

Is there any company in Utah where I can purchase health insurance for my child only?



On Average, How Much are braces without insurance?

I Love my top row, they are just fine, but my bottom front teeth need alignment. i want to get braces for the bottom half only, and i wonder how much it would cost, due to the fact i don't have dental insurance.



Where can I get a fair priced car insurance for a first time driver at the age of 17 and Male?

I'm just about to do my second test, I failed the first with only 4 minors but I misjudged a speed limit and got failed for dangerous driving when doing 40 in a 30. I've been looking at a Ford Fiesta 1.4 Zetec 16V that I would really enjoy to have except I can't find insurance anywhere cheaper than 2700 and I think it's ridiculous because I'm not a maniacal driver and I don't see why I should have to pay that much until proven that I will cause that sum of damage. Is there any way I can get a cheaper premium? It's really putting me off driving because the price is just absolutely horrendous. PS UK ONLY PLEASE



How can I show proof of my insurance to get car tax?

Hi I need to go and get my car tax tomorrow but I dont have my insurance certificate yet becuase it akes 5 working days is there anyother types of proof I can bring to get my car tax?



What is the insurance cost for a 16 year old guy with a ford mustang 2004?

What is the insurance cost for a 16 year old guy with a ford mustang 2004?



What is the best, cheapest, online car insurance on the internet?




How much do you pay for taxi insurance in the USA? Who is your provider? I want to operate an independent cab.

I am in Washington state and I am doing my research into the profitability of starting a small taxicab company with 1-2 cars. Only one one insurance agent has returned my calls and he said insurance would be around $32,000 per year for an independent cabby. I am shicked - is this true?


Are there any good temporary car insurance companies in america?

Are there any good temporary car insurance companies in america?


How much would it cost for a 16 year old with a 91-93 300zx tt?

How much would the insurance be for a 16 year old to have a 91-93 300zx twin turbo? in alabama



What company provides a good low cost life insurance policy for older people?

My father just retired, but he is stubborn and against getting a life insurance policy. I would like one to cover expenses he may leave behind and to take care of his wife, but he just doesn't see the need for some reason. His wife (my mother) is also the same way and they are too old fashioned and set in their ways to change their way of thinking. My parents are not rich and does not have a lot of money saved up. As a result, I may have to pay it myself even though I am supporting my own family on a single income. Obviously, the older one gets, the more expensive a life insurance policy becomes. Does anyone know of any good, reliable low cost life insurance companies out there? He doesn't have any major problems, but it would be best if there are some that doesn't require any health checks.



Personal loan insurance?

Hi. Does anybody know how personal loan insurance works? I lost my job few weeks ago and can't afford to pay back my loan. I need to suspend it for about three months. The question is how do They solve it? will they cover whole instalment and I don't have to pay anything to my bank? Does interests increase?If they pay ex couple of times whole amount to bank as instalment will duration of loan stay the same?Will they also pay me anything due to I am staying home?Will I have to pay them back when all things get solved and ok?Have anybody had the same situation? It's Halifax insurance



Insurance company totaled my car, How much will i get for it?

I was in a pretty bad accident and the insurance company says that my car is totaled and they will write me a check for the amount. My question is what amount? On KBB would it be the trade in value, private party value, or the suggested retail value?



I'm pregnant, without insurance, and desperate, HELP!?

Just this Monday I found out I was pregnant. Two Clear Blue PREGNANT's, and I was bawling in the Target bathroom. I all ready have two children, both of which are on ALL Kids because my husband didn't want to keep our health insurance last year due to the rising costs (like, it kept going up $100/year, and towards the end, we were paying $500/month). So now I'm pregnant, no health insurance, and pretty much stressing out over it. I will apply for SOBRA Medicaid (something I found on Alabama's Department of Health site) after my doctor's appointment next Wednesday, but if they don't accept me, then I don't know what else to do. Giving my baby away is not an option, neither is abortion. I will love this baby no matter what happens. I just need some reassurance or something to keep myself from stressing out and crying all the time over worrying about money. I totally got screwed over by something called Direct Med and will be calling them tomorrow to try to get my money back. I did that out of desperation and plain stupidity. A little help, please?



Auto insurance for a 19 yr old with a 1989 corvette?

My uncle is handing his 1989 C3 Corvette over to me as a present for getting my license.. I was wondering how much insurance would probably run me..I'm 19. College Student. Good GPA. Employed. I Live in Vegas if that helps. Thanks much!



Car insurance for a new driver.?

How much money would car insurance be for a 16-year old teenage boy? My birthday falls weird so i get my lisence when im sophmore.



What is a 1989-94 Nissan 240sx considered as?

Sports car, classic, what? I mean what would the car insurance consider it as? Serious question, mature answers please. Thanks!



Do people know the truth about insurance drops?

Why are 2% getting their insurance dropped, they don't meet the requirement of Affordable Care Act. Or in other words those insurance policies have worse coverage then Obamacare.



My daughter is 17 next week....where can I get cheap car insurance from? I want to add her on to my policy?

She will be an additional driver. My existing insurer has refused because of her age and inexperience.



Is insurance higher on a bmw then other cars? Even if it's a old sedan bmw?

Looking for a used car. Found a 2000 bmw 325i. Dads FREAKING OUT saying the insurance on it would be way higher then other cars because it's a luxary sports car even tho it's old as dirt. and doesn't go fast AT ALL.



If you switch from one auto insurance company to another does it look bad?

I never had insurance before and am getting insurance from one company for a month and then switching. Does that look bad on some kind of record (meaning it will affect my rates in the future?)?



16 year old with $51,000 car. Insurance?

What insurance company would provide the best auto insurance for a 16 year old with a new $51,000 Cadillac SRX Crossover? Ball park figure, how much would it cost? I have about 2 years to figure this out, but I'd like to get a general idea of my expenses now so I have an idea of what I'm getting into.



Car insurance for dependent child with no car-(US)?

Do I need to add my son (age 20) to my auto insurance policy if he does not have a car and drives so very little!



Driving without insurance?

I am a licensed driver and the car i drive is insured, but i never bought insurance. How much trouble will I get into if I get into an car accident? Oh and I am 18 and live in Minnesota



Where can I get a fair priced car insurance for a first time driver at the age of 17 and Male?

I'm just about to do my second test, I failed the first with only 4 minors but I misjudged a speed limit and got failed for dangerous driving when doing 40 in a 30. I've been looking at a Ford Fiesta 1.4 Zetec 16V that I would really enjoy to have except I can't find insurance anywhere cheaper than 2700 and I think it's ridiculous because I'm not a maniacal driver and I don't see why I should have to pay that much until proven that I will cause that sum of damage. Is there any way I can get a cheaper premium? It's really putting me off driving because the price is just absolutely horrendous. PS UK ONLY PLEASE



How much does one speeding ticket effect my car insurance?

I was going 14 over the speed limit



All young adults pay attention...what's the cheapest yet best car insurance you have found?

I'm 19, dad wants me to buy my own car get my own insurance etc. Any pointers?



Go auto insurance company?

i am looking for some cheap car insurance company and i have found go auto insurance to be the cheapest so far with what i need. has anyone heard of this insurance company? and if so, good or bad?



Car insurance liability question?

I was recently in a car accident. A vehicle was attempting to pass me on the right in a parking lot and hit my car. My insurance company said that I am not at fault. However, the other party's insurance said that I am at fault for the accident and will not pay to have my car repaired. I am positive that it is not my fault and it is easy to tell by looking at the damage to my vehicle. How can I go about having the insurance company pay for the damages to my car?



Cheapest auto insurance?

Cheapest auto insurance?



How much will insurance cost for this car..?

so i'm looking for my first car and i'm looking into a Mini cooper S 2004 i am 16 years old and just want to know how much a month it will cost? also could please tell me how much would a 2010 hyundai genesis 2.0t cost as well thanks for all your help :)



Is car insurance calculator is necessary for the car owner?

I think car insurance calculator is necessary for the car owner, is it really true?



How can I buy life insurance policy on people?

I have a friend at work that was telling me that here in Texas it is legal to buy a life insurance policy on anyone you want. He says when the person you have insurance on dies you get a lot of money. I was just wondering if anyone on here knows how this works? Do I need the persons permission or what information do I need from them? I was thinking of getting insurance on old people that live in a retirement home a block from where I live and get rich out of it. I know some of you will think I am sick but I wouldn't mind if someone had insurance on me when I am older. So how can I go about doing this and what information do I need on the person?



How much will health insurance cost me?

I am an American citizen, 23 years old with a college degree. I never lived in the US but I am moving there now and I never had any health problems. How much will health insurance cost me a month?


Are there any good temporary car insurance companies in america?

Are there any good temporary car insurance companies in america?